
Animals Quiz



1 / 35

Fill in the Blanks

The rabbit ________ into the side of the hill.

2 / 35

She held the cat in her arms and __________ it.

3 / 35

Some commonly know _______________ are frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders.

4 / 35

Monkeys _______ trees.

5 / 35

Invertebrates are the major group of animals that______________on the ground.

6 / 35

-What happened to your arm?

-My cat _______ me.

7 / 35

You can tell the cat likes you because it's  _________.

8 / 35

Susan _______ dogs.

9 / 35

Rhino __________________is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but increasingly common is its use as a status symbol to display success and wealth.

10 / 35

The children love to touch their pet bunny's soft, black ________________.

11 / 35

The lion was eating the ________ of the dead giraffe.

12 / 35

The zookeeper feeds the lion through the _______.

13 / 35

My dog is part of a small__________ that originated in Germany.

14 / 35

The snake's _____________ skin was dry to the touch.

15 / 35

A ______ horse is small but it still requires a lot of space for grazing.

16 / 35

Most mammals, birds, and reptiles are _________.

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_____________ animals cannot control their temperature so they become slow in cold weather.

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The eagle was carrying a mouse in its ___________.

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Small mammal adapted to a subterranean lifestyle.

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A nocturnal scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body.

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A burrowing rodent with fur-lined pouches on the outside of the cheeks, found in North and Central America.

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A nocturnal and often highly vocal lizard which has adhesive pads on the feet to assist in climbing on smooth surfaces. It is widespread in warm regions.

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A mammal that feeds on ants and termites

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A large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees.

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A large snake

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An agile tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail, typically feeding on nuts and seeds.

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A turtle, typically a herbivorous one that lives on land.

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They cleaned the house in ______________________________.

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 He was going to ride the rollercoaster but he _______________________.

30 / 35

  I __________________________ and accepted my punishment.

31 / 35

The boss seems mean, but his _________________________.

32 / 35

 Susan insists on her parents’ taking her ice skating. She is _____________________________.

33 / 35

Go to bed early so you’ll be ____________________________ in the morning.

34 / 35

Alan ___________________________ about my surprise party.

35 / 35

If he expects me to lend him money, he is _____________________________.


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