
The Beach Quiz (Diamond)


The Beach (Diamond)

1 / 25

To keep away from; to keep clear from.

2 / 25

To propel with an implement with a flat blade.

3 / 25

To dive with breathing equipment.

4 / 25

 To purposely expose oneself to sunlight.

5 / 25

 To dive without artificial breathing equipment.

6 / 25

A pail; an implement used to carry water, sand, etc.

7 / 25

A source of danger.

8 / 25

Skeletal material of colonies of small sea polyps. 

9 / 25

A thin, circular marine animal.

10 / 25

A large billed seabird.

11 / 25

Fill in the blanks

 Proper swimming requires coordinated ___________ of all major body parts.

12 / 25

 Lifeguards___________around 1 million people from drowning each year.

13 / 25

 May I borrow your ________ for a few minutes?

14 / 25

Alligators prefer ________ environments.

15 / 25

When surfing, anticipate the ____________ and start paddling before it reaches you.

16 / 25

 It’s best not to dive off cliffs when there is a low_______.

17 / 25

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t stick your ________ in when we are discussing private matters.

18 / 25

 She jumped off the _________ end and stopped studying because she didn’t like 

her new teacher

19 / 25

 You may change inside the car now. The_________ is clear.

20 / 25

 Susan was giving me advice but she’s in the same ________ as I.

21 / 25

 It’s time Bill _________ his own canoe.


22 / 25

 People who are skilled at ___________ sometimes choose to use only one ski.

23 / 25

 Lifeguards use___________ to keep an eye on swimmers.

24 / 25

 It was difficult to swim at one of the beaches in Maui because there were 

many ________.

25 / 25

When you paddle, the boat moves forward, but when you _______, it moves 


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