
The Home Quiz

The Home Quiz

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Fill in the Blanks

She was _____________ the books in alphabetical order.

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Since the holidays are over, I can _________ my decorations in the garage.

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We hired a professional to ___________ the backyard.

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I always ________ the porch in the morning to get rid of any leaves or debris.

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I need to _______ this shirt before I wear it to work.

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I’m going to ________ the new bookshelf I bought.

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I’m going to mow the lawn in the ________ this afternoon.

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My favorite ___________ is my refrigerator.

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We always eat dinner in the _________ .

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I always wash the ________ once a week.

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This apartment has a lot of ________  space and several closets.

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To ensure the ________ of a home, begin by installing sturdy locks on doors and windows.

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Your ___________ can be designed with gardens, lawns, and other outdoor beauty.

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 My favorite_________ actually cost me the least.

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I am going to __________ my house by purchasing new pillows and curtains.

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She ______ up the kitchen and bathroom before the guests arrived.

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If someone loses their home, they are considered to be __________.

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A small pan with a handle used for picking up dirt is called a _________.

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Using LED lightbulbs is a simple way to improve ________ _________ in your home.

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Whenever I leave the house, I always take my ___________  such as my purse, keys, and cellular phone.

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I’m going to sweep the porch with the ________ before I mop.

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True of False?

Make yourself at home means “feel comfortable and relaxed”

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To have a green thumb means “to be loving and caring”

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Having a fireplace in your home creates a cozy ambience.

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You have a heart of gold means “You are kind and caring”

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A “neat freak” is someone who prefers to stay at home rather than going out.

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A “homebody” is someone who is obsessed with keeping things clean and organized

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A thick, woven piece of material that acts as a covering or screen for a window is called a drape.

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If you would like to eat a ‘home-cooked meal’, you can go to the taqueria for dinner.

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The process of transforming a living space into a reflection of one’s style is called personalizing.

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To “put up one’s feet” means rest and relax.

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A floor covering that is made of thick, woven material is called a broom.

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People who have a “heart of gold” are very compassionate.

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To vacuum something means to “brush away litter” with a broom.

35 / 35

A popular saying in America when a visitor comes to your home is “Welcome to my humble abode.”

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