
Weather and Climate Quiz (Diamond)


Weather and Climate (Diamond)

1 / 30

To produce a current of air.

2 / 30

 To make or become cool.

3 / 30

To predict.

4 / 30

To excrete salty moisture from the skin.

5 / 30

To cover with water an area that is normally dry.

6 / 30

A light wind.

7 / 30

Visible mass of particles in the air such as a rain cloud.

8 / 30

Moisture condensed at night on cold surfaces.

9 / 30

Concentric shells of frozen water and compact snow surrounding ice.

10 / 30

A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.

11 / 30

Sound following lightning.

12 / 30

A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.

13 / 30

An electrical storm accompanied by heavy rain.

14 / 30

Atmospheric pollutants or smoke combined with fog in an irritating mixture.

15 / 30

A long dry spell of weather.

16 / 30

Fill in the blanks.

It was so cold that my fingers were numb even though I had __________ on.

17 / 30

When it snowed in Houston, the snow took two weeks to __________.

18 / 30

The flight was canceled because of _______.

19 / 30

The children were amazed by the __________.

20 / 30

A tow truck came to help me get my car out of the __________.

21 / 30

She made a ___________ in a teacup because he wasn’t wearing a mask.

22 / 30

I’d rather stay inside. It’s _________ cats and dogs.

23 / 30

 We’re going to have class tomorrow come rain or ________.

24 / 30

 I can lend you some money that I have been saving for a _______ day.

25 / 30

Ask her out! She says she likes you. Make hay while the ________ shines.

26 / 30

Are you okay? You seem under the __________.

27 / 30

 I thought there was water on the ground but it was just a ___________.

28 / 30

California has some of the worst _________in the country.

29 / 30

 Let’s not go to the beach tomorrow because it will be________.

30 / 30

_________ can only be predicted after an earthquake occurs.

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